Dumb Blonde Jokes
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Dumb Blonde Jokes

This page contains 10 Dumb Blonde Jokes. The jokes are in order of votes, the best Dumb Blonde Jokes first.

A blonde rings up an airline.
She asks, 'How long are your flights from America to England?'
The woman on the other end of the phone says, 'Just a minute...'
The blonde says, 'Thanks!'
And hangs up the phone.

Why did the blonde sell her television?
To buy a VCR!

How do u drown a blonde?
Put a mirror at the bottom of a pool.

How does a blonde kill a fish?
She tries to drown it!

Why does a blonde put perfume on her ankles?
Because it ends up behind her ears anyway!

Why did the blonde nurse take a red magic marker to work?
In case she had to draw some blood!

Why did the blonde stare at the can of frozen orange juice for two hours?
Because the can said 'concentrate'
on it.

Why are blonde jokes so short?
So men can understand them.

How do you give a blonde a brain transplant?
Blow in her ear!

One day while jogging, a man noticed two tennis balls lying by the side of the road.
He picked the balls up, put them in his pocket and proceeded on his way.
Waiting at the cross street for the light to change, he noticed a beautiful blonde standing next to him and smiling.
'What are those big bulges in your running shorts?' she asked.
'Tennis balls,' answered the man, smiling back.
'Wow,' said the blonde, looking upset, 'That must hurt. I once had tennis elbow and the pain was unbearable.'


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